Sunday, February 22, 2009

Awesome friends and other ramblings

I just love my awesome friends! God sure wired us to be social and need connection, didn't he? Tonight I met with several friends from church at Starbucks and we just had a blast! Here we are (wishing my iPhone took a better picture, but it's better than nothing!):

I also released something new in my store partners my last release, Chipboard Years. These are Chipboard helps to have both!

Also wondering who knows about V8 Splash? I just learned about it this weekend and LOVE it. I am not a juice drinker because it's usually too sweet for me. But this stuff, although sweet, isn't too sweet and gives me a serving of fruits AND vegetables in one 8 oz. glass. What a deal! For someone who doesn't like many vegetables and always struggles to get them into my diet, this is a wonderful help! We got the Light version because it's (obviously) lower sugar. You should try it if you haven't yet. It tastes NOTHING like tomato juice. :)

I also have fallen in love with a new song entitled "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller. It was in the movie Fireproof and has a powerful message. Click here to hear it and see the video.

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