Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Savannah!

Eight years ago today I was in the hospital in labor with my precious daughter. I was actually due on September 10, 2001, but I begged my doctor to induce me early because I was so big. My mom was the only one of 4 girls who was under 10 pounds at birth; I knew Savannah was big too! So my doctor agreed and scheduled me for August 27, 2001. (I am glad I didn't wait for many reasons, but one reason was because of 9/11). Around 7:30 that night I was only dilated to 3 so my doctor wanted to do a c-section. I was on board with that decision because I was tired and very anxious to meet my little girl. In hindsight I wish I had waited and tried to have her naturally, but how could I have known that my c-section would be so hard on me? So at 8:07pm on August 27, 2001 Savannah Grace Tripp was born.

One of the first pictures of her with her daddy.

Me with Savannah

Me with Savannah

Grandma (my mom) with Savannah

Here is that same little punkin this morning...8 years later.

Breakfast in bed has become tradition for her birthday mornings.

Can you tell who her new favorite "person" is? Here's a hint...this picture is "Savannah Montana" with Grandma (on the phone).

She LOVES Hannah Montana. Can you tell?

Aside from this silly 8 year old girl, homeschooling is going really well. Our 2nd day was not so great...she was tired, cranky, and totally distracted the whole day. I was frustrated and she was unhappy. But yesterday, our 3rd day, went much better. And today has been fine as well. We are off schedule today because of her birthday but we're doing what we can. Tomorrow we can play catch-up if we need to. The beauty of homeschooling!

I have realized this week just how much time and effort I need to put forth for our homeschooling to be successful. It will be a challenge for me but I love it. Spending every day with Savannah has made us both more "needy" for each 8 years old I'm okay with that. More on this later...

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